Personal Crusade
Home Textiles
My personal protest against plastic pollution around me piled up until recently, I decided to act for the good of humankind. What did I do? I took plain plastic shopping bags and consumer product packaging that are readily available and “played” with them, until finally I was able to create interesting textures of material by recycling and upcycling them using technological method of thermal pressing with an iron. Later, in workshop, I designed sustainable fashion items, several bags and raincoats. If our fashion items get damaged, we will further fix or recycle for reuse, therefore creating a small-scale “circular economic activity” without any waste, we take, we make, people use and then return…. I then used the fashion items as communication tools, appealing to my fellow citizens via social media, asking them to take responsibility towards environment and to collect plain plastic shopping bags for me. In less than six months, people collected around 70 kg of different type of plastic packaging and shopping bags in their households and I recycled them into sustainable fashion items. This is the core of my philosophy: to fight plastic pollution by reducing, reusing and recycling the plastic material into sustainable fashion items and achieve locally feasible solutions so that citizens can became more conscious consumers. Handmade recycled sustainable fashion items reduce plastic waste and stop plastic from getting into our water, food and our bodies. We encourage all individuals, families, organizations and businesses to either say NO to plastic or supply us with the plastic bags and packages that are accumulated in their homes and offices with nowhere to go, but garbage. We encourage people to think twice and become responsible customers of the XXI century.