Plastic âgée
Art and Collectible Design
Studio Nucleo, a renowned Italian design and artist studio, contributes to the movement towards a
more sustainable future by designing a table in collaboration with Plastiz. This Italian startup provides
solutions to the plastic waste crisis. Using recycled plastic in consumer goods has become crucial in
reducing waste and promoting sustainability. The world faces an environmental and social emergency
caused by the proliferation of plastic waste. Plastiz, using discarded plastic materials, contributes to
the circular economy and transforms them into compacted planks and sheets of high quality and
aesthetic value. With its expertise in design and creativity, Studio Nucleo is set to bring a unique and
innovative touch to the plastic âgéeproject, ensuring it serves its practical purpose and appeals to the
eye. By investing in recycled plastic products, consumers support companies like Plastiz and Studio
Nucleo that prioritize the environment and work towards a greener future for all.