Emotion on Communication
In our everyday life, we spend most of our time binge-watching or playing onlinegames. Whenever we think of putting down our phones or laptops, we always cravefor one more episode or level to play. Binge-watching requires subscription chargeswhile games also need in-game expenditure to move ahead and enjoy the extraresources that make the game more engrossing for them to play.We all love discounts and free things, so what would be better if we launch a mobileapp named “#WASTEUP” that provides a subscription to various apps such as Netflix,Disney plus, and resources for numerous games in return for the work. Here, the workis to segregate the home waste and deliver it to the #WASTEUP center, which collectsthe waste to reuse, recycle, remake, or do anything possible except wasting it.In these centres, no one would be officially employed, anyone who wants the benefitsof subscription can work in it and deposit the segregated waste, transport waste tothe discrete location of their disposal, or they can also work in the centres totransform waste into nifty items by giving in their ideas and executing them.They will get points for doing the same-Depositing segregated waste-Bronze PointsTransporting waste- Silver PointsWorking on Waste- Gold PointsThese points will then be converted into subscriptions and in-game purchases.Right now, I have made a layout of this app and finding ways to make its functioningreal.The solution to our problems lies in our routine. So, I just checked my daily timeexpenditure and also asked my friends and family about theirs. Most of them gaveNetFlix and Minecraft as the answer. Therefore, I tried to relate them with the solutionto my problem and, then this idea came up.