Take me Home.
Emotion on Communication
In the visual campaign “Take me Home” the oil-based plastic is regarded as aninvasive species. I define this term as a species that; despite itself; travelled and gotlost in a new environment. Inadequate to this current area, it causes the water and soilto suffocate. It needs to be harvested and its harvest is a positive cataclysm fordevelopment; socially, economically, and creatively.As a designer, artist and handmaker this transversal idea is at the foundation of myworks. First, I map the few kilometers around my workshop to pick-up the excessmaterial(From wild-lands, shores, dead-stocks, yards…). They will be my supplies andguidelines for the second step that is the hand production. The third step is to bring”the Take me Home” communication campaign alive through a photographic work.It plays with the ambivalence between the raw and the refined. I choose to getinspired by the striking visual impact of polluted landscapes to help natureregenerates.In the campaign there are three chapters. The first one “Before I burn, Take me home”is a reference to soil pollutions and burning plastics. It features a “Chimney Vase” in abrownfield. The second one “Before I flood, Take me Home” is a reference to waterpollutions and plastic islands. It features a “Raft Table-top” in waterways. The last one”Before I poison, Take me Home” is a reference to micro-plastics and foodcontaminations. It features an “Oatis Shelf” in Wheat Field.The campaign consists of three photographic pairs, three functional objects and three#Shorts videos; working as a whole for digital or physical distributions. In thephotographic pairs, one photo is photographed outdoor in the landscape, working asa “before”and one is photographed indoor with a home feeling, working as an “after”.The objects are witnesses and physical remains. The #shorts video are animatedsupports for the narrative.