Preciós Plàstic València
Emotion on Communication
Preciós Plàstic València is an initiative with more than three years of experiencecarrying out teaching, research and product development as its main activity throughthe practice of the circular economy and the use of new technologies. We want to be international references in circular economy, product development andenvironmental education. Our goal is to put an end to plastic waste in the city ofValència and demonstrate that a local and circular manufacturing system is possible.Generate a social and labor movement to transform this devalued raw material intoobjects of all kinds.We work together with the neighbors, shops and educational centers of Valencia andits surroundings, who contribute their plastic waste to this initiative to transform theminto design products, useful materials and objects of value in a participatory andcreative way.We have developed four open source machines that allow anyone to fully carry outthe recycling process, transforming plastic waste into useful objects. Through talks,workshops, courses and participating in events we try to raise awareness anddisseminate the importance of recycling plastic and doing it in a practical and dynamicway.These machines have been in more than 30 events, both in public and private spaces,and have been used by an estimate of more than 1,500 people in total. More than 300kg of plastic waste have been recycled in 3 years. Of course, we only use plastic waste from the city of Valencia and its surroundings.From high and low density polyethylene, to Polypropylenes, PLA, ABS, etc… We already have the four main machines, a shredder to transform the packaging or wasteinto a shredded plastic or pellets that serves as raw material for the other threemachines that by heat and pressure convert the shredded plastic waste into objects,these are an injector, a press and an extruder. To these last three machines we wantto add the “Recicl3d” plastic waste 3D printer and the CNC milling machine, thus wecan expand the manufacturing methods, the shapes of the products, increasing thesize of the products that we can make and therefore recycle more amount of plastic.