Urban and Public Design
The PLASTIC CRAFTING EXTRUSION is a project based on the upcycling value and concept of transforming material from rubbish and turning into something special and meaningful. Can be useful , ludic but most of all aestheticaly robust with a sculptural and fluid value, a playfull object that relates to the art of object interaction. The idea came from a previous design research about techniques that alows flat materials to become thredimensional. Waving process based on a handcraft thechnique taken in a diferent bigger scale and is able to grow “as a plant “, a robust structure extruded by hand. The process has started from e research with natural materials as they were traditionaly made. With experimentation the weaving thecnique alowd us to give form with receycled plastic sheets a solution of reusing this material. A Strong cultural reference for a contemporary aproach that gives diferente possibilities of use, as a sculture, as a toy, as lighting, as a object dispenser and many others. The process has been taken with the partenership of Comunidades Criativas. A group of woman that through a social project has been toght and trained to use plastic wastes to susttain their families through handcrafts.