ROTATE – The kind soap dispenser
Urban and Public Furniture Design
This project is born from the will to create a product/service offering an original and inedited solution, in order to meet a particular need. Today sanitizing hands have become essential for common health and soap dispensers are placed at the entrance of any location, whether it is a shop, a bar or any other. However, there are people which are unable to use fingers or apply force with them, and they struggle with that and even fail to use them as it is required an effort with ends. That’s how Rotate is born. Project purpose: This Dispenser, besides owning a unique aesthetics and design, has been designed to allow people with problems in the use of upper limbs,in particular hands and fingers, to be able to hygienize hands with a minimal effort. For this reason the mechanism has been studied with the aim to help the user to carry out the action applying as little movement and strenght as possible. There is no need to press, pull, crush or push, as it would be with normal dispensers, but you need only to turn the palm of the hand on the sphere so that it brings the product to the surface.