Emotion on Communication
How many stars do you think are there in our galaxy? Microplastics in the oceans arefive hundred times more.ReSchiscia was created with the aim of offering a simple but effective solution to theproblem of ocean pollution caused by plastic, especially disposable ones. We want torenew the concept of the “schiscia”, a word in Milanese dialect originally referring tothe box used for transporting and eating lunch by students and workers.The service consists of an application that allows people to use their lunch box intake-away mode thanks to the affiliation with local restaurants. In this way ReSchisciaallows to eliminate all disposable plastic packaging that would otherwise be used andthrown away, polluting land and sea.The application allows you to buy lunch having the possibility to pay in advance tospeed up the process of collecting the food. In this way, once the user has reachedthe selected restaurant, all that is left to do is fill their lunch box. In order not to forgetthe container at home, the service also offers the possibility to set an alarm.ReSchiscia is not just a service. To bring individuals to take an active part in thepreservation of the oceans, we have also designed a container in reclaimed nylonproduced by recycling fishing nets dispersed in the oceans.In this way, by presenting their “Schiscia” the user will be able to obtain discounts asa reward for contributing to the reduction of single-use plastic in favor of ourenvironment.In addition, in order to remove the plastics already present in oceans, a“ReSchiscia-Case” has been designed in recycled nylon coming from abandonedfishing nets. This case helps users to transport to the restaurant the case from home.