Recycling plastic wastes into building materials and furniture
Responsible Innovation Projects
At the age of 15, I was inspired to start Green Venture Tanzania after seeing howfloods destroyed mud houses in Dar es salaam area in 2015 this floods also carried alot of plastic wastes hence I decided to create a machine that recycles plastics.At green Venture, we create durable and affordable construction materials fromrecycled plastic wastes. This includes the creation of construction Bricks and alsoplastic lumber which is used to replace wood in construction.We have been able to create part-time employment to over 120 plastic collectors whosell us plastic wastes in kilograms. Likewise, we have been able to recycle about 70ton of plastic wastes into bricks and plastic lumber that have been used to constructhouses and also create furniture. This has helped to decrease the use of cement butalso reduce deforestation since we provide the alternative to wood. In the next 5years, we aim to create over 1000 jobs to waste collectors and recycle 10000 ton ofplastics.