Hasty Ways
Emotion on Communication
Hasty Ways aims to shake people’s awareness and sense of responsibility regardingthe impact plastic waste has on our living environment. The project wants to show ourbehavior as the key to make zero or maximum impact.Each of us can make the difference.An interactive installation that express the effects immediately, condensing years intoseconds, choices into steps. It stands as a perfect metaphor for the relationshipbetween our conduct and the environment, even when we do not conceive it.The installation consists of a series of vertical tubes, set in the floor. Each of themsupports some pipes, which are light, flexible and wedged transverse to the maintube. These pipes can fall when people pass by. The visible structure is entirely built in white recyled plastic. Material choice is made tohighlight plastic as a good construction material and to emphasize its qualities: it isresistant, malleable and durable. Colour choice is made to create a clean, spotlessenvironment, pure as a wood that wears out and gets dirty when visitors passthrough. The pavilion is dynamic and changeable: at the beginning, it is in a state of perfectionand balance, comparable to a virgin forest.The entry of the user through the installation represents the human intervention in asystem that was pure and uncontaminated until that moment. A person walkingthrough can cause an impact or not, depending on the sensitivity he/she deals withthe project.An irresponsible movement is destructive for the pavilion. A controlled movement, likea lightly walk on tiptoes, has no harmful consequences. For every action there is acorresponding reaction.According to this, the pavilion will lose one or more of the pieces that compose it,starting a process of disintegration. The centre of the pavilion is a clearing, a space of rest and awareness. Here themessage and the meaning of the installation is shown. People now can consciouslychoose to ignore and hurt or to restore and heal the pavilion.Restoration, meant as an act of correcting one’s own impact, is the key moment of theprocess. The pavilion existence depends deeply on this moment.Hasty Ways reveals that people is the problem: their greed, their sense ofirresponsibility, their lack of sensitivity and the absence of a long-term perspective.On the Moon, without human interaction, the installation would remain in the perfectand complete state it was built at first.On the Earth, instead, the risk of being destroyed in a short time would be very high.Piazza Duomo is one of the most crowded squares of Milan, Italy. Here, humanpresence, if not guided by a good sense of responsibility, would lead to a rapiddestruction of the pavilion.Hasty Ways teaches how to walk carefully, with awareness and responsibility.It advises to look back and around, restoring the mistakes. To put things right.Because one mistake could be added to many others, and lead to far more seriousconsequences than we think.