Responsible Innovation Projects
I am an historical lover of LEGO and when I had to build with my students the modulefor a sustainable home to be proposed in an extremely poor area in South Africa, I thought of fruit boxes as a flexible module and easily recoverable in landfills. Ten years ago I created an experimental module and managed to keep the internaltemperature constant at about 12 degrees during the winter (in a wood in the Comoarea) without the use of any auxiliary energy source and at many degrees belowduring the summer. The problem with the plastic fruit crates is that they are designedto be stacked in a tower and do not have a useful interlocking so that you canalternate them just like you do with the walls of LEGO houses. I would like to redesignthe cassettes with a small modification so that they can also be stably and easlyenclosed. In this way you can encrease the use of this packaging andh at the sametime have a new building system.