Emotion on Communication
A problem that afflicts Italy, and Rome in particular, are potholes in the street, whichdamage cars and can cause accidents.We could fill them using plastic that we would normally throw away, it can also bedone at home with a griddle for making toast, baking paper, silicone spray, slightlyheating plastic (HDPE), cutting out some bottles of disposable cleaning products orcaps. of plastic bottles, making it soften so as to make it malleable, by combiningdifferent colors we could create a colorful pattern, so the road as well as beingrepaired is embellished by the character of the colors. So the plastic can perfectly fillthe hole by replacing the asphalt or if there are cobblestones as often happens inRome, you can make colored cobblestones in recycled plastic through a mold eventhe wood.The materials used are plastic bottles, detergent bottles, plastic bottle caps, somedisposable plastic, HDPE Plastic.